Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Party Time

Every morning, Mr M asks 'Is it my birthday today?' He is, it seems, very keen to cease being three-and-a-bit and to celebrate being four. After months without any birthday parties to go to, April, then, is quite a challenge for a young man who is counting the days until he is a birthday boy again.

Here he is celebrating our friend Leo's second birthday in Yass a week ago (thanks to Leo's Uncle Sam for the photo). Leo missed out on his first birthday party - he was ill with chicken pox. But his mum and dad made up for it with a wonderful pirate party. Golden pirate coins were scattered on the ground for the treasure hunt. A treasure chest was discovered hiding beneath a tree, filled with pirate booty for the young pirates, including pirate eye patches and silky sashes. The pirate flag could be raised and lowered and raised and lowered and raised and ... by even the smallest of deck hands. And there was a park with the most enormous slippery slide! Pirate dreams were made of this.

This week we have celebrated a birthday closer to home. Mr M insisted on being the chief parcel unwrapper but has since graciously wrapped up all his Wiggle dolls and given them to me as gifts. And he's decided that really what I need most is a Shrek birthday cake (we might have to wait for the weekend for that).

At the end of the day, I thanked him for his gift and for being such a good boy on my birthday. His reply? 'It's my pleasure.' I guess he's learning something after all.