Sunday, January 6, 2008

The First Sunday

Christmas was a big hit with the wee man this year. I think three-years-old is probably the perfect age for the celebration. We said 'hello' to Santa's helpers at least six times, never once questioning why they all looked alike. We went for night drives to look at the 'big' Christmas tree in Civic Square (a disappointment for someone brought up on the Christmas tree in Sydney's Martin Place) and the gardens and houses lit up in the streets near us. We put out grass to feed Santa's reindeer ... and took for granted that the reindeer actually ate it. And there is no doubt in Mr M's mind that it was Santa who left the Jeff Wiggle doll for him. Little wonder that he has now told me twice that he 'wants to have Christmas again'. The only problem was that, after giving someone else a gift (which he did very graciously), he turned to me or to J and asked, 'Is there another present for me?'

We also managed to do quite a bit of Christmas cooking. Mr M really likes making cakes - in the past few months we've made Shrek cakes, Wiggle biscuits, birthday biscuits, more Shrek cakes. In the week leading up to Christmas, we made Christmas biscuits (Nigella Lawson's recipe is very versatile - cookie cutters are marvellous things), jelly, fruit salad and Baz balls with our own variation (crush a packet of Scalliwag chocolate biscuits, add a can of condensed milk, a cup of sultanas and the same of choc bits, mix together, roll into small balls and then role in coconut - the variation was leaving out the crushed nuts, which I couldn't possibly put in now we live in world of nut allergies). These last, however, were topped by Vanessa's twist on a similar family recipe, Chocolate Winnies. Simply by leaving out the cocoa and adding white choc bits, instead of milk chocolate ones, she created a winner - and as they melted in the heat, they tasted even better. Here's the revamped recipe for White Chocolate Winnies:

Crush a packet of Arrowroot biscuits.
Add a tin of condensed milk and a cup of white choc bits.
When everything is mixed together, roll the mixture into small balls and then roll the balls in coconut.
Keep in the fridge until ready to eat.

We've had a slow start to the new year. The heatwave, which hasn't been as severe in Canberra as elsewhere, wreaked havoc with Mr M's sleeping patterns. He's taken to falling asleep at 4pm, worn out by the heat. This means he is ready to party on until midnight so we have had to adopt some strategies for keeping him awake through the day. Too many dvds are the result - as well as trips to the pool and KidCity with Jack and Charlie. Next week we'll be back to 'normal' routines.

The unexpected daytime sleeps, though, have given me some time of my own. I've read books - A House in Fez by Suzanna Clarke, which didn't quite inspire me to head off to Morocco to renovate, and Australian Classics by Jane Gleeson White, which has inspired me to add some Australian classics to my reading list for the year. (Yes, how nerdy is that? I have a 'reading list' for 2008. But I would like to catch up on some Aussie novels I've never read, including Helen Garner's Monkey Grip and Tim Winton's Cloudstreet.)

I have also, finally, finished organising Mr M's photos into albums, even annotating the photos so, when he is 50, he will know who is who and what happened when. Horrid realisation ... I have taken over 700 photos of Mr M and his life and he is only three! I can't even blame J for contributing to the number as, with the digital camera, I am the main photographer. It's made me ponder how personal photography has changed. With a digital camera, it costs me nothing to snap away, often taking half-a-dozen photos to get the one I want. I'm not limited by my poor photography, having a roll of film that allows me to shoot only 12 pictures, having to wait to see whether my photos are any good. This current generation will probably be the most photographed yet. Nothing that happens to them will be undocumented. But perhaps I should think about easing up on the photography now that he's reached three? How many cute photos can you have?

This blog is as close as I'm going to get to a new year's resolution. I enjoyed writing and sending my group emails last year. So here's the plan: every Sunday this year (or Saturday or Monday or, maybe, Tuesday) I hope to post about the week just passed. Let's see if I can keep it up and if, at the end of the year, I have 52 posts. Fingers crossed.


  1. You are a winner babe. Love you always - Jenny

  2. have to say this looks a lot simpler than one of those whatsafacethingo sites. Very impressed!!!
    Will be interested in your comments when you have finished Cloudstreet.
    Cheers to the boys.

  3. Always love reading your news. Thanks for the recipe. Making winnies tomorrow. Love always Vicki

  4. Glad to hear you pulled your finger out and got started onthe blog ;o) Great to hear all your news. Sounds like the wee man is growing up fast! Must set up a playdate again soon. Oh, and I can't believe I've read a book that you haven't (Cloudstreet) hehehe. Love KathrynW

  5. Hey Kathi
    Love it!!!!!
    Can't believe that you guys were at big splash on Sunday, we were there Saturday. I think we need to gather as many of us as we can and go for a swim and picnic there again, together. What do you think????
    Hope the year keeps us all fit and well- goodbye and good riddance to 2007 i say.
    Check out our summer photos on my facebook if you get a chance.
    Love to all
    Vanessa xoxoxoxoxox
